Your gifts help Sanctuary Charlotte Make a difference
God is generous and so he calls us to be as well. God provides for the ministry of Sanctuary through your generosity. We honor your gifts with faithful stewardship, ethical business practices, and full accountability so that the financial integrity of Hope remains beyond reproach.

In the New Testament, generosity is the theme of giving, not just a minimum requirement. It is the realization that everything we have came from God, and everything we have belongs to God. It is the posture of withholding nothing from a loving Father who withheld nothing in sacrificing His only son to save us. What shall we do in response to His great love? In Romans, Paul said, "presenting our bodies a living sacrifice" is a "reasonable service!" In 2 Corinthians 5:15, he says, "...all who live would no longer live for themselves. Instead they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them.” It's all in! It's Withholding nothing! It's whatever I have is Yours God! Its whatever it takes to advance the cause of the gospel! It's the essence and the spirit of generosity!
If you are a part of our family, then you know that we value generosity for the sake of the gospel and towards others. If you wish to come alongside the committed group sowing their lives, talents and resources for the advancement of the gospel, you may do so by sowing any amount, as everything sown helps advance the cause. Whatever you purpose in your heart helps to advance the gospel. God sees it, he rewards accordingly, and we are eternally grateful!
If you are a part of our family, then you know that we value generosity for the sake of the gospel and towards others. If you wish to come alongside the committed group sowing their lives, talents and resources for the advancement of the gospel, you may do so by sowing any amount, as everything sown helps advance the cause. Whatever you purpose in your heart helps to advance the gospel. God sees it, he rewards accordingly, and we are eternally grateful!
Sanctuary Charlotte Church is an registered 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.
All donations are tax deductible in full or in part.
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After more than five years of operation and growth, our church is in need of repair in response to membership activity, program expansion & weekly facility usage.
We need to raise $200,000 in the next six months to improve our facility and campus grounds, create an operating reserve to carry us into the near future and build a legacy for our congregation.
We need to raise $200,000 in the next six months to improve our facility and campus grounds, create an operating reserve to carry us into the near future and build a legacy for our congregation.
The money we raise will determine the projects we can undertake and the urgency with which we can begin. We will not know exactly what we are able to do until we know what our households will pledge to the Campaign.
God has blessed each of us for such a time as this. We are not asking for equal gifts but equal sacrifice. With your help, GREATER CONTINUES TO COME !
God has blessed each of us for such a time as this. We are not asking for equal gifts but equal sacrifice. With your help, GREATER CONTINUES TO COME !